About #
The Global section configures the connection to the PostgreSQL database. By default, it uses the included Postgres service.
Values #
# postgresqlUsername is the username to access the pachyderm and dex databases
postgresqlUsername: "pachyderm"
# postgresqlPassword to access the postgresql database. We set a default well-known password to
# facilitate easy upgrades when testing locally. Any sort of install that needs to be secure
# must specify a secure password here, or provide the postgresqlExistingSecretName and
# postgresqlExistingSecretKey secret. If using an external Postgres instance (CloudSQL / RDS /
# etc.), this is the password that Pachyderm will use to connect to it.
postgresqlPassword: "insecure-user-password"
# When installing a local Postgres instance, postgresqlPostgresPassword defines the root
# ('postgres') user's password. It must remain consistent between upgrades, and must be
# explicitly set to a value if security is desired. Pachyderm does not use this account; this
# password is only required so that administrators can manually perform administrative tasks.
postgresqlPostgresPassword: "insecure-root-password"
# The auth type to use with postgres and pg-bouncer. md5 is the default
postgresqlAuthType: "md5"
# If you want to supply the postgresql password in an existing secret, leave Password blank and
# Supply the name of the existing secret in the namespace and the key in that secret with the password
postgresqlExistingSecretName: ""
postgresqlExistingSecretKey: ""
# postgresqlDatabase is the database name where pachyderm data will be stored
postgresqlDatabase: "pachyderm"
# The postgresql database host to connect to. Defaults to postgres service in subchart
postgresqlHost: "postgres"
# The postgresql database port to connect to. Defaults to postgres server in subchart
postgresqlPort: "5432"
# postgresqlSSL is the SSL mode to use for pg-bouncer connecting to Postgres, for the default local postgres it is disabled
postgresqlSSL: "prefer"
# CA Certificate required to connect to Postgres
postgresqlSSLCACert: ""
# TLS Secret with cert/key to connect to Postgres
postgresqlSSLSecret: ""
# Indicates the DB name that dex connects to
# Indicates the DB name that dex connects to. Defaults to "Dex" if not set.
identityDatabaseFullNameOverride: ""
# imagePullSecrets allow you to pull images from private repositories, these will also be added to pipeline workers
# https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
# Example:
# imagePullSecrets:
# - regcred
imagePullSecrets: []
# when set, the certificate file in pachd-tls-cert will be loaded as the root certificate for pachd, console, and enterprise-server pods
customCaCerts: false
# Sets the HTTP/S proxy server address for console, pachd, and enterprise server. (This is for
# traffic leaving the cluster, not traffic coming into the cluster.)
proxy: ""
# If proxy is set, this allows you to set a comma-separated list of destinations that bypass the proxy
noProxy: ""
# Set security context runAs users. If running on openshift, set enabled to false as openshift creates its own contexts.
enabled: true
registry: docker.io/