Run Commands



Deploy Target HCVs

About #

The Deploy Target section defines where you’re deploying Pachyderm; this is typically located at the top of your values.yaml file.

Values #

The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.

Global HCVs

About #

The Global section configures the connection to the PostgreSQL database. By default, it uses the included Postgres service.

Values #

    # postgresqlUsername is the username to access the pachyderm and dex databases
    postgresqlUsername: "pachyderm"
    # postgresqlPassword to access the postgresql database.  We set a default well-known password to
    # facilitate easy upgrades when testing locally.  Any sort of install that needs to be secure
    # must specify a secure password here, or provide the postgresqlExistingSecretName and
    # postgresqlExistingSecretKey secret.  If using an external Postgres instance (CloudSQL / RDS /
    # etc.), this is the password that Pachyderm will use to connect to it.
    postgresqlPassword: "insecure-user-password"
    # When installing a local Postgres instance, postgresqlPostgresPassword defines the root
    # ('postgres') user's password.  It must remain consistent between upgrades, and must be
    # explicitly set to a value if security is desired.  Pachyderm does not use this account; this
    # password is only required so that administrators can manually perform administrative tasks.
    postgresqlPostgresPassword: "insecure-root-password"
    # The auth type to use with postgres and pg-bouncer. md5 is the default
    postgresqlAuthType: "md5"
    # If you want to supply the postgresql password in an existing secret, leave Password blank and
    # Supply the name of the existing secret in the namespace and the key in that secret with the password
    postgresqlExistingSecretName: ""
    postgresqlExistingSecretKey: ""
    # postgresqlDatabase is the database name where pachyderm data will be stored
    postgresqlDatabase: "pachyderm"
    # The postgresql database host to connect to. Defaults to postgres service in subchart
    postgresqlHost: "postgres"
    # The postgresql database port to connect to. Defaults to postgres server in subchart
    postgresqlPort: "5432"
    # postgresqlSSL is the SSL mode to use for pg-bouncer connecting to Postgres, for the default local postgres it is disabled
    postgresqlSSL: "prefer"
    # CA Certificate required to connect to Postgres
    postgresqlSSLCACert: ""
    # TLS Secret with cert/key to connect to Postgres
    postgresqlSSLSecret: ""
    # Indicates the DB name that dex connects to
    # Indicates the DB name that dex connects to. Defaults to "Dex" if not set.
    identityDatabaseFullNameOverride: ""
  # imagePullSecrets allow you to pull images from private repositories, these will also be added to pipeline workers
  # Example:
  # imagePullSecrets:
  #   - regcred
  imagePullSecrets: []
  # when set, the certificate file in pachd-tls-cert will be loaded as the root certificate for pachd, console, and enterprise-server pods
  customCaCerts: false
  # Sets the HTTP/S proxy server address for console, pachd, and enterprise server.  (This is for
  # traffic leaving the cluster, not traffic coming into the cluster.)
  proxy: ""
  # If proxy is set, this allows you to set a comma-separated list of destinations that bypass the proxy
  noProxy: ""
  # Set security context runAs users. If running on openshift, set enabled to false as openshift creates its own contexts.
    enabled: true
Console HCVs

About #

Console is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Pachyderm. Users that would prefer to navigate and manage through their project resources visually can connect to Console by authenticating against your configured OIDC. For personal-machine installations of Pachyderm, a user may access Console without authentication via localhost.

Values #

The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.

Enterprise Server HCVs

About #

Enterprise Server is a production management layer that centralizes the licensing registration of multiple Pachyderm clusters for Enterprise use and the setup of user authorization/authentication via OIDC.

Values #

  enabled: false
  affinity: {}
  annotations: {}
  tolerations: []
  priorityClassName: ""
  nodeSelector: {}
    type: ClusterIP
    apiGRPCPort: 31650
    prometheusPort: 31656
    oidcPort: 31657
    identityPort: 31658
    s3GatewayPort: 31600
  # There are three options for TLS:
  # 1. Disabled
  # 2. Enabled, existingSecret, specify secret name
  # 3. Enabled, newSecret, must specify cert, key and name
    enabled: false
    secretName: ""
      create: false
      crt: ""
      key: ""
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
  # podLabels specifies labels to add to the pachd pod.
  podLabels: {}
  clusterDeploymentID: ""
    repository: "pachyderm/pachd"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    # tag defaults to the chart’s specified appVersion.
    tag: ""

About #

The ETCD section configures the ETCD cluster in the deployment.

Values #

  affinity: {}
  annotations: {}
  # dynamicNodes sets the number of nodes in the etcd StatefulSet.  It
  # is analogous to the --dynamic-etcd-nodes argument to pachctl
  # deploy.
  dynamicNodes: 1
    repository: "pachyderm/etcd"
    tag: "v3.5.5"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  # maxTxnOps sets the --max-txn-ops in the container args
  maxTxnOps: 10000
  priorityClassName: ""
  nodeSelector: {}
  # podLabels specifies labels to add to the etcd pod.
  podLabels: {}
  # resources specifies the resource request and limits
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
  # storageClass indicates the etcd should use an existing
  # StorageClass for its storage.  It is analogous to the
  # --etcd-storage-class argument to pachctl deploy.
  # More info for setting up storage classes on various cloud providers:
  # AWS:
  # GCP:
  # Azure:
  storageClass: ""
  # storageSize specifies the size of the volume to use for etcd.
  # Recommended Minimum Disk size for Microsoft/Azure: 256Gi  - 1,100 IOPS
  # Recommended Minimum Disk size for Google/GCP: 50Gi        - 1,500 IOPS
  # Recommended Minimum Disk size for Amazon/AWS: 500Gi (GP2) - 1,500 IOPS
  storageSize: 10Gi
    # annotations specifies annotations to add to the etcd service.
    annotations: {}
    # labels specifies labels to add to the etcd service.
    labels: {}
    # type specifies the Kubernetes type of the etcd service.
    type: ClusterIP
  tolerations: []
Ingress HCVs

About #


ingress will be removed from the helm chart once the deployment of Pachyderm with a proxy becomes mandatory.

Values #

The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.

Loki HCVs

About #

Loki Stack contains values that are passed to the loki-stack subchart. For more details on each service, see their official documentation:

Values #

      automountServiceAccountToken: false
      enabled: true
        - ReadWriteOnce
      size: 10Gi
      # More info for setting up storage classes on various cloud providers:
      # AWS:
      # GCP:
      # Azure:
      storageClassName: ""
      annotations: {}
      priorityClassName: ""
      nodeSelector: {}
      tolerations: []
        grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: 67108864 # 64MiB
          max_send_msg_size: 67108864 # 64MiB
        retention_period: 24h
          - selector: '{suite="pachyderm"}'
            priority: 1
            period: 168h # = 1 week
    enabled: false
        - url: "http://{{ .Release.Name }}-loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push"
        # The scrapeConfigs section is copied from loki-stack-2.6.4
        # The pipeline_stages.match stanza has been added to prevent multiple lokis in a cluster from mixing their logs.
        scrapeConfigs: |
          - job_name: kubernetes-pods
              {{- toYaml .Values.config.snippets.pipelineStages | nindent 4 }}
              - match:
                  selector: '{namespace!="{{ .Release.Namespace }}"}'
                  action: drop
              - role: pod
              - source_labels:
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name
                regex: ([0-9a-z-.]+?)(-[0-9a-f]{8,10})?
                action: replace
                target_label: __tmp_controller_name
              - source_labels:
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_name
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app
                  - __tmp_controller_name
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
                regex: ^;*([^;]+)(;.*)?$
                action: replace
                target_label: app
              - source_labels:
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_instance
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_release
                regex: ^;*([^;]+)(;.*)?$
                action: replace
                target_label: instance
              - source_labels:
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_component
                  - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_component
                regex: ^;*([^;]+)(;.*)?$
                action: replace
                target_label: component
              {{- if .Values.config.snippets.addScrapeJobLabel }}
              - replacement: kubernetes-pods
                target_label: scrape_job
              {{- end }}
              {{- toYaml .Values.config.snippets.common | nindent 4 }}
              {{- with .Values.config.snippets.extraRelabelConfigs }}
              {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
              {{- end }}
          - cri: {}
          # This is copy and paste of existing actions, so we don't lose them.
          # Cf.
          - action: replace
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
            target_label: node_name
          - action: replace
              - __meta_kubernetes_namespace
            target_label: namespace
          - action: replace
            replacement: $1
            separator: /
              - namespace
              - app
            target_label: job
          - action: replace
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
            target_label: pod
          - action: replace
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
            target_label: container
          - action: replace
            replacement: /var/log/pods/*$1/*.log
            separator: /
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_uid
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
            target_label: __path__
          - action: replace
            regex: true/(.*)
            replacement: /var/log/pods/*$1/*.log
            separator: /
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_kubernetes_io_config_hash
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_kubernetes_io_config_hash
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
            target_label: __path__
          - action: keep
            regex: pachyderm
              - __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_suite
          # this gets all kubernetes labels as well
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
    # Tolerations for promtail pods. Promtail must run on any node where pachyderm resources will run or you won't get any logs for them
    # For example, GKE gpu nodes have a default taint of so if you use GPUs we wouldn't have logs
    tolerations: []
      failureThreshold: 5
        port: http-metrics
      initialDelaySeconds: 10
      periodSeconds: 10
      successThreshold: 1
      timeoutSeconds: 1
PachD HCVs

Values #

  enabled: true
    # if enabled runs kube validation preflight checks.
    enabled: true
  affinity: {}
  annotations: {}
  # clusterDeploymentID sets the Pachyderm cluster ID.
  clusterDeploymentID: ""
    annotations: {}
  # goMaxProcs is passed as GOMAXPROCS to the pachd container.  pachd can automatically pick an
  # optimal GOMAXPROCS from the configured CPU limit, but this overrides it.
  goMaxProcs: 0
  # goMemLimit is passed as GOMEMLIMIT to the pachd container. pachd can automatically pick an
  # optimal GOMEMLIMIT from the configured memory request or limit, but this overrides it.  This is a string
  # because it can be something like '256MiB'.
  goMemLimit: ""
  # gcPercent sets the initial garbage collection target percentage.
  gcPercent: 0
    repository: "pachyderm/pachd"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    # tag defaults to the chart’s specified appVersion.
    # This sets the worker image tag as well (they should be kept in lock step)
    tag: ""
  logLevel: "info"
  disableLogSampling: false
  developmentLogger: false
  # If true, log every SQL query at debug level.  This can potentially log sensitive information
  # without redaction, so it's not recommended for production.
  sqlQueryLogs: false
  # If lokiDeploy is true, a Pachyderm-specific instance of Loki will
  # be deployed.
  lokiDeploy: true
  # lokiLogging enables Loki logging if set.
  lokiLogging: true
  # lokiHost and lokiPort should only be set when using an external Loki instance. lokiDeploy should be false.
  # lokiHost should be the hostname of the Loki instance to use.
  lokiHost: ""
  # lokiPort should be the port of the Loki instance to use.
  lokiPort: 0
    # enabled sets the METRICS environment variable if set.
    enabled: true
    # endpoint should be the URL of the metrics endpoint.
    endpoint: ""
  priorityClassName: ""
  nodeSelector: {}
  # podLabels specifies labels to add to the pachd pod.
  podLabels: {}
  # resources specifies the resource requests and limits
  # replicas sets the number of pachd running pods
  replicas: 1
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
  # requireCriticalServersOnly only requires the critical pachd
  # servers to startup and run without errors.  It is analogous to the
  # --require-critical-servers-only argument to pachctl deploy.
  requireCriticalServersOnly: false
  # If enabled, External service creates a service which is safe to
  # be exposed externally
    enabled: false
    # (Optional) specify the existing IP Address of the load balancer
    loadBalancerIP: ""
    apiGRPCPort: 30650
    s3GatewayPort: 30600
    annotations: {}
    # labels specifies labels to add to the pachd service.
    labels: {}
    # type specifies the Kubernetes type of the pachd service.
    type: "ClusterIP"
    annotations: {}
    apiGRPCPort: 30650
    prometheusPort: 30656
    oidcPort: 30657
    identityPort: 30658
    s3GatewayPort: 30600
    #  expose: true
    #  port: 30650
  # DEPRECATED: activateEnterprise is no longer used.
  activateEnterprise: false
  ## if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember is set, enterprise will be activated and connected to an existing enterprise server.
  ## if pachd.enterpriseLicenseKey is set, enterprise will be activated.
  activateEnterpriseMember: false
  ## if pachd.activateAuth is set, auth will be bootstrapped by the config-job.
  activateAuth: true
  ## the license key used to activate enterprise features
  enterpriseLicenseKey: ""
  # enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName is used to pass the enterprise license key value via an existing k8s secret.
  # The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-license-key".
  enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName: ""
  # if a token is not provided, a secret will be autogenerated on install and stored in the k8s secret 'pachyderm-bootstrap-config.rootToken'
  rootToken: ""
  # rootTokenSecretName is used to pass the rootToken value via an existing k8s secret
  # The value is pulled from the key, "root-token".
  rootTokenSecretName: ""
  # if a secret is not provided, a secret will be autogenerated on install and stored in the k8s secret 'pachyderm-bootstrap-config.enterpriseSecret'
  enterpriseSecret: ""
  # enterpriseSecretSecretName is used to pass the enterprise secret value via an existing k8s secret.
  # The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-secret".
  enterpriseSecretSecretName: ""
  # if a secret is not provided, a secret will be autogenerated on install and stored in the k8s secret 'pachyderm-bootstrap-config.authConfig.clientSecret'
  oauthClientID: pachd
  oauthClientSecret: ""
  # oauthClientSecretSecretName is used to set the OAuth Client Secret via an existing k8s secret.
  # The value is pulled from the key, "pachd-oauth-client-secret".
  oauthClientSecretSecretName: ""
  oauthRedirectURI: ""
  # DEPRECATED: enterpriseRootToken is deprecated, in favor of enterpriseServerToken
  # NOTE only used if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember == true
  enterpriseRootToken: ""
  # DEPRECATED: enterpriseRootTokenSecretName is deprecated in favor of enterpriseServerTokenSecretName
  # enterpriseRootTokenSecretName is used to pass the enterpriseRootToken value via an existing k8s secret.
  # The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-root-token".
  enterpriseRootTokenSecretName: ""
  # enterpriseServerToken represents a token that can authenticate to a separate pachyderm enterprise server,
  # and is used to complete the enterprise member registration process for this pachyderm cluster.
  # The user backing this token should have either the licenseAdmin & identityAdmin roles assigned, or
  # the clusterAdmin role.
  # NOTE: only used if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember == true
  enterpriseServerToken: ""
  # enterpriseServerTokenSecretName is used to pass the enterpriseServerToken value via an existing k8s secret.
  # The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-server-token".
  enterpriseServerTokenSecretName: ""
  # only used if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember == true
  enterpriseServerAddress: ""
  enterpriseCallbackAddress: ""
  # Indicates to pachd whether dex is embedded in its process.
  localhostIssuer: "" # "true", "false", or "" (used string as bool doesn't support empty value)
  # set the initial pachyderm cluster role bindings, mapping a user to their list of roles
  # ex.
  # pachAuthClusterRoleBindings:
  #   robot:wallie:
  #   - repoReader
  #   robot:eve:
  #   - repoWriter
  pachAuthClusterRoleBindings: {}
  # additionalTrustedPeers is used to configure the identity service to recognize additional OIDC clients as trusted peers of pachd.
  # For example, see the following example or the dex docs (
  # additionalTrustedPeers:
  #   - example-app
  additionalTrustedPeers: []
    create: true
    additionalAnnotations: {}
    name: "pachyderm" #TODO Set default in helpers / Wire up in templates
    # backend configures the storage backend to use.  It must be one
    # of GOOGLE, AMAZON, MINIO, MICROSOFT or LOCAL. This is set automatically
    # if deployTarget is GOOGLE, AMAZON, MICROSOFT, or LOCAL
    backend: ""
    # If 'gocdkEnabled' is true, 'storageURL' is used to configure the backend for object storage.
    # The 'backend' configuration options should be used in conjunction with 'storageURL' to
    # pass in secrets and identity information.
    # When using gocdkEnabled, 'backend' cannot be 'MINIO'.
    # Users who desire to use minio as their storage backend should set the 'backend' to 'AMAZON' instead
    # and set 'storageURL' to the s3 compatible URL representation for their minio endpoint.
    gocdkEnabled: false
    # storageURL is a URL endpoint for object storage such as "s3://myamazonbucket" or "gcs://mygooglebucket.
    # Depending on the storage provider, some configuration options may also be passed via URL query parameters.
    storageURL: ""
      # bucket sets the S3 bucket to use.
      bucket: ""
      # cloudFrontDistribution sets the CloudFront distribution in the
      # storage secrets.  It is analogous to the
      # --cloudfront-distribution argument to pachctl deploy.
      cloudFrontDistribution: ""
      customEndpoint: ""
      # disableSSL disables SSL.  It is analogous to the --disable-ssl
      # argument to pachctl deploy.
      disableSSL: false
      # id sets the Amazon access key ID to use.  Together with secret
      # and token, it implements the functionality of the
      # --credentials argument to pachctl deploy.
      id: ""
      # logOptions sets various log options in Pachyderm’s internal S3
      # client.  Comma-separated list containing zero or more of:
      # 'Debug', 'Signing', 'HTTPBody', 'RequestRetries',
      # 'RequestErrors', 'EventStreamBody', or 'all'
      # (case-insensitive).  See 'AWS SDK for Go' docs for details.
      # logOptions is analogous to the --obj-log-options argument to
      # pachctl deploy.
      logOptions: ""
      # maxUploadParts sets the maximum number of upload parts.  It is
      # analogous to the --max-upload-parts argument to pachctl
      # deploy.
      maxUploadParts: 10000
      # verifySSL performs SSL certificate verification.  It is the
      # inverse of the --no-verify-ssl argument to pachctl deploy.
      verifySSL: true
      # partSize sets the part size for object storage uploads.  It is
      # analogous to the --part-size argument to pachctl deploy.  It
      # has to be a string due to Helm and YAML parsing integers as
      # floats.  Cf.
      partSize: "5242880"
      # region sets the AWS region to use.
      region: ""
      # retries sets the number of retries for object storage
      # requests.  It is analogous to the --retries argument to
      # pachctl deploy.
      retries: 10
      # reverse reverses object storage paths.  It is analogous to the
      # --reverse argument to pachctl deploy.
      reverse: true
      # secret sets the Amazon secret access key to use.  Together with id
      # and token, it implements the functionality of the
      # --credentials argument to pachctl deploy.
      secret: ""
      # timeout sets the timeout for object storage requests.  It is
      # analogous to the --timeout argument to pachctl deploy.
      timeout: "5m"
      # token optionally sets the Amazon token to use.  Together with
      # id and secret, it implements the functionality of the
      # --credentials argument to pachctl deploy.
      token: ""
      # uploadACL sets the upload ACL for object storage uploads.  It
      # is analogous to the --upload-acl argument to pachctl deploy.
      uploadACL: "bucket-owner-full-control"
      bucket: ""
      # cred is a string containing a GCP service account private key,
      # in object (JSON or YAML) form.  A simple way to pass this on
      # the command line is with the set-file flag, e.g.:
      #  helm install pachd -f my-values.yaml --set-file pachyderm/pachyderm
      cred: ""
      # Example:
      # cred: |
      #  {
      #    "type": "service_account",
      #    "project_id": "…",
      #    "private_key_id": "…",
      #    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n…\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      #    "client_email": "…@…",
      #    "client_id": "…",
      #    "auth_uri": "",
      #    "token_uri": "",
      #    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
      #    "client_x509_cert_url": "…%40…"
      #  }
      # hostPath indicates the path on the host where the PFS metadata
      # will be stored.  It must end in /.  It is analogous to the
      # --host-path argument to pachctl deploy.
      hostPath: ""
      requireRoot: true #Root required for hostpath, but we run rootless in CI
      container: ""
      id: ""
      secret: ""
      # minio bucket name
      bucket: ""
      # the minio endpoint. Should only be the hostname:port, no http/https.
      endpoint: ""
      # the username/id with readwrite access to the bucket.
      id: ""
      # the secret/password of the user with readwrite access to the bucket.
      secret: ""
      # enable https for minio with "true" defaults to "false"
      secure: ""
      # Enable S3v2 support by setting signature to "1". This feature is being deprecated
      signature: ""
    # putFileConcurrencyLimit sets the maximum number of files to
    # upload or fetch from remote sources (HTTP, blob storage) using
    # PutFile concurrently.  It is analogous to the
    # --put-file-concurrency-limit argument to pachctl deploy.
    putFileConcurrencyLimit: 100
    # uploadConcurrencyLimit sets the maximum number of concurrent
    # object storage uploads per Pachd instance.  It is analogous to
    # the --upload-concurrency-limit argument to pachctl deploy.
    uploadConcurrencyLimit: 100
    # The shard size corresponds to the total size of the files in a shard.
    # The shard count corresponds to the total number of files in a shard.
    # If either criteria is met, a shard will be created.
    # values are strings
    compactionShardSizeThreshold: "0"
    compactionShardCountThreshold: "0"
    memoryThreshold: 0
    levelFactor: 0
    maxFanIn: 10
    maxOpenFileSets: 50
    # diskCacheSize and memoryCacheSize are defined in units of 8 Mb chunks. The default is 100 chunks which is 800 Mb.
    diskCacheSize: 100
    memoryCacheSize: 100
  ppsWorkerGRPCPort: 1080
  # the number of seconds between pfs's garbage collection cycles.
  # if this value is set to 0, it will default to pachyderm's internal configuration.
  # if this value is less than 0, it will turn off garbage collection.
  storageGCPeriod: 0
  # the number of seconds between chunk garbage colletion cycles.
  # if this value is set to 0, it will default to pachyderm's internal configuration.
  # if this value is less than 0, it will turn off chunk garbage collection.
  storageChunkGCPeriod: 0
  # There are three options for TLS:
  # 1. Disabled
  # 2. Enabled, existingSecret, specify secret name
  # 3. Enabled, newSecret, must specify cert, key and name
    enabled: false
    secretName: ""
      create: false
      crt: ""
      key: ""
  tolerations: []
      repository: "pachyderm/worker"
      pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
      # Worker tag is set under pachd.image.tag (they should be kept in lock step)
      create: true
      additionalAnnotations: {}
      # name sets the name of the worker service account.  Analogous to
      # the --worker-service-account argument to pachctl deploy.
      name: "pachyderm-worker" #TODO Set default in helpers / Wire up in templates
    # create indicates whether RBAC resources should be created.
    # Setting it to false is analogous to passing --no-rbac to pachctl
    # deploy.
    create: true
  # Set up default resources for pipelines that don't include any requests or limits.  The values
  # are k8s resource quantities, so "1Gi", "2", etc.  Set to "0" to disable setting any defaults.
  defaultPipelineCPURequest: ""
  defaultPipelineMemoryRequest: ""
  defaultPipelineStorageRequest: ""
  defaultSidecarCPURequest: ""
  defaultSidecarMemoryRequest: ""
  defaultSidecarStorageRequest: ""
    # a determined's cluster API URL
    apiEndpoint: ""
    # the name of the kubernetes secret containing the credentials for the determined user representing pachyderm.
    # the secret is expected to contain the keys "determined-username" & "determined-password"
    credentialsSecretName: ""
  # readinessProbe, livenessProbe, startupProbe: Configure the probe settings.
  # Acceptable inputs for each probe include initialDelaySeconds, timeoutSeconds, periodSeconds, successThreshold, and failureThreshold.
    initialDelaySeconds: 0
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    periodSeconds: 10
    successThreshold: 1
    failureThreshold: 3
    initialDelaySeconds: 0
    failureThreshold: 10
    periodSeconds: 10
    successThreshold: 1
    timeoutSeconds: 30
    initialDelaySeconds: 0
    failureThreshold: 10
    periodSeconds: 10
    successThreshold: 1
    timeoutSeconds: 30
PachW HCVs

About #

PachW enables fine-grained control of where compaction and object-storage interaction occur by running storage tasks in a dedicated Kubernetes deployment. Users can configure PachW’s min and max replicas as well as define nodeSelectors, tolerations, and resource requests. Using PachW allows power users to save on costs by claiming fewer resources and running storage tasks on less expensive nodes.


If you are upgrading to 2.5.0+ for the first time and you wish to use PachW, you must calculate how many maxReplicas you need. By default, PachW is set to maxReplicas:1 — however, that is not sufficient for production runs.

maxReplicas #

You should set the maxReplicas value to at least match the number of pipeline replicas that you have. For high performance, we suggest taking the following approach:

number of pipelines * highest parallelism spec * 1.5 = maxReplicas

Let’s say you have 6 pipelines. One of these pipelines has a parallelism spec value of 6, and the rest are 5 or fewer.

6 * 6 * 1.5 = 54

minReplicas #

Workloads that constantly process storage and compaction tasks because they are committing rapidly may want to increase minReplicas to have instances on standby.

nodeSelectors #

Workloads that utilize GPUs and other expensive resources may want to add a node selector to scope PachW instances to less expensive nodes.

Values #

  # When set to true, inheritFromPachd defaults below configuration options like 'resources' and 'tolerations' to
  # values from pachd. These values can be overridden by defining the corresponding pachw values below.
  # When set to false, a nil value will be used by default instead. Some configuration variables will always use their
  # corresponding pachd value, regardless of whether 'inheritFromPachd' is true, such as 'serviceAccountName'
  inheritFromPachd: true
  # When set to true, inSidecars also processes storage related tasks in pipeline storage sidecars like version 2.4 or less.
  # when enabled, pachw instances can still run in their own dedicated kubernetes deployment if maxReplicas is greater than 0.
  # For more control of where pachw instances run, 'inSidecars' should be disabled.
  inSidecars: false
  # maxReplicas should be tuned based on the number of pipelines on a user-per-user basis.
  maxReplicas: 1
  # minReplicas: 0
  # We recommend defining resources when running pachw with a high value of maxReplicas.
  #  limits:
  #    cpu: "1"
  #    memory: "2G"
  #  requests:
  #    cpu: "1"
  #  memory: "2G"
  #tolerations: []
  #affinity: {}
  #nodeSelector: {}
Kube Event Tail HCVs

About #

Kube Event Tail deploys a lightweight app that watches Kubernetes events and echoes them into logs.

Values #

  # Deploys a lightweight app that watches kubernetes events and echos them to logs.
  enabled: true
  # clusterScope determines whether kube-event-tail should watch all events or just events in its namespace.
  clusterScope: false
    repository: pachyderm/kube-event-tail
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    tag: "v0.0.7"
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 100Mi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 45Mi
PGBouncer HCVs

About #

The PGBouncer section configures a PGBouncer Postgres connection pooler.

Values #

    type: ClusterIP
  annotations: {}
  priorityClassName: ""
  nodeSelector: {}
  tolerations: []
    repository: pachyderm/pgbouncer
    tag: 1.16.2
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
  # maxConnections specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections into pgbouncer.
  maxConnections: 100000
  # defaultPoolSize specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections from pgbouncer to the postgresql database.
  defaultPoolSize: 80
PostgreSQL Subchart HCVs

About #

The PostgresQL section controls the Bitnami PostgreSQL subchart. Pachyderm runs on Kubernetes, is backed by an object store of your choice, and comes with a bundled version of PostgreSQL (metadata storage) by default.

We recommended disabling this bundled PostgreSQL and using a managed database instance (such as RDS, CloudSQL, or PostgreSQL Server) for production environments.

See storage class details for your provider:

  • AWS | Min: 500Gi (GP2) / 1,500 IOP
  • GCP | Min: 50Gi / 1,500 IOPS
  • Azure | Min: 256Gi / 1,100 IOPS

Values #

  # enabled controls whether to install postgres or not.
  # If not using the built in Postgres, you must specify a Postgresql
  # database server to connect to in global.postgresql
  # The enabled value is watched by the 'condition' set on the Postgresql
  # dependency in Chart.yaml
  enabled: true
    repository: pachyderm/postgresql
    tag: "13.3.0"
  # DEPRECATED from pachyderm 2.1.5
  initdbScripts: |
      set -e
      psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB" <<-EOSQL
        CREATE DATABASE dex;
  fullnameOverride: postgres
    # Specify the storage class for the postgresql Persistent Volume (PV)
    # See notes in Bitnami chart values.yaml file for more information.
    # More info for setting up storage classes on various cloud providers:
    # AWS:
    # GCP:
    # Azure:
    storageClass: ""
    # storageSize specifies the size of the volume to use for postgresql
    # Recommended Minimum Disk size for Microsoft/Azure: 256Gi  - 1,100 IOPS
    # Recommended Minimum Disk size for Google/GCP: 50Gi        - 1,500 IOPS
    # Recommended Minimum Disk size for Amazon/AWS: 500Gi (GP2) - 1,500 IOPS
    size: 10Gi
      suite: pachyderm
    priorityClassName: ""
    nodeSelector: {}
    tolerations: []
    priorityClassName: ""
    nodeSelector: {}
    tolerations: []
CloudSQL Auth Proxy HCVs

About #

The CloudSQL Auth Proxy section configures the CloudSQL Auth Proxy for deploying Pachyderm on GCP with CloudSQL.

Values #

The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.

  # connectionName may be found by running `gcloud sql instances describe INSTANCE_NAME --project PROJECT_ID`
  connectionName: ""
  serviceAccount: ""
  iamLogin: false
  port: 5432
  enabled: false
    # repository is the image repo to pull from; together with tag it
    # replicates the --dash-image & --registry arguments to pachctl
    # deploy.
    repository: ""
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    # tag is the image repo to pull from; together with repository it
    # replicates the --dash-image argument to pachctl deploy.
    tag: "1.23.0"
  priorityClassName: ""
  nodeSelector: {}
  tolerations: []
  # podLabels specifies labels to add to the dash pod.
  podLabels: {}
  # resources specifies the resource request and limits.
  resources: {}
  #  requests:
  #    # The proxy's memory use scales linearly with the number of active
  #    # connections. Fewer open connections will use less memory. Adjust
  #    # this value based on your application's requirements.
  #    memory: ""
  #    # The proxy's CPU use scales linearly with the amount of IO between
  #    # the database and the application. Adjust this value based on your
  #    # application's requirements.
  #    cpu: ""
    # labels specifies labels to add to the cloudsql auth proxy service.
    labels: {}
    # type specifies the Kubernetes type of the cloudsql auth proxy service.
    type: ClusterIP
OpenID Connect HCVs

About #

The OIDC section of the helm chart enables you to set up authentication through upstream IDPs. To use authentication, you must have an Enterprise license.

We recommend setting up this section alongside the Enterprise Server section of your Helm chart so that you can easily scale multiple clusters using the same authentication configurations.

Values #

The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.

Test Connection HCVs

About #

The Test Connection section is used by Pachyderm to test the connection during installation. This config is used by organizations that do not have permission to pull Docker images directly from the Internet, and instead need to mirror locally.

Values #

    repository: alpine
    tag: latest
Proxy HCVs

About #

Proxy is a service that handles all Pachyderm traffic (S3, Console, OIDC, Dex, GRPC) on a single port; It’s great for exposing you cluster directly to the Internet.

Values #

  # If enabled, create a proxy deployment (based on the Envoy proxy) and a service to expose it.  If
  # ingress is also enabled, any Ingress traffic will be routed through the proxy before being sent
  # to pachd or Console.
  enabled: true
  # The external hostname (including port if nonstandard) that the proxy will be reachable at.
  # If you have ingress enabled and an ingress hostname defined, the proxy will use that.
  # Ingress will be deprecated in the future so configuring the proxy host instead is recommended.
  host: ""
  # The number of proxy replicas to run.  1 should be fine, but if you want more for higher
  # availability, that's perfectly reasonable.  Each replica can handle 50,000 concurrent
  # connections.  There is an affinity rule to prefer scheduling the proxy pods on the same node as
  # pachd, so a number here that matches the number of pachd replicas is a fine configuration.
  # (Note that we don't guarantee to keep the proxy<->pachd traffic on-node or even in-region.)
  replicas: 1
  # The envoy image to pull.
    repository: "envoyproxy/envoy-distroless"
    tag: "v1.27.1"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
  # Set up resources.  The proxy is configured to shed traffic before using 500MB of RAM, so that's
  # a resonable memory limit.  It doesn't need much CPU.
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 512Mi
      memory: 512Mi
  # Any additional labels to add to the pods.  These are also added to the deployment and service
  # selectors.
  labels: {}
  # Any additional annotations to add to the pods.
  annotations: {}
  # A nodeSelector statement for each pod in the proxy Deployment, if desired.
  nodeSelector: {}
  # A tolerations statement for each pod in the proxy Deployment, if desired.
  tolerations: []
  # A priority class name for each pod in the proxy Deployment, if desired.
  priorityClassName: ""
  # Configure the service that routes traffic to the proxy.
    # The type of service can be ClusterIP, NodePort, or LoadBalancer.
    type: ClusterIP
    # If the service is a LoadBalancer, you can specify the IP address to use.
    loadBalancerIP: ""
    # The port to serve plain HTTP traffic on.
    httpPort: 80
    # The port to serve HTTPS traffic on, if enabled below.
    httpsPort: 443
    # If the service is a NodePort, you can specify the port to receive HTTP traffic on.
    httpNodePort: 30080
    httpsNodePort: 30443
    # Any additional annotations to add.
    annotations: {}
    # Any additional labels to add to the service itself (not the selector!).
    labels: {}
    # The proxy can also serve each backend service on a numbered port, and will do so for any port
    # not numbered 0 here.  If this service is of type NodePort, the port numbers here will be used
    # for the node port, and will need to be in the node port range.
      console: 0 # legacy 30080, conflicts with default httpNodePort
      grpc: 0 # legacy 30650
      s3Gateway: 0 # legacy 30600
      oidc: 0 # legacy 30657
      identity: 0 # legacy 30658
      metrics: 0 # legacy 30656
    # externalTrafficPolicy determines cluster-wide routing policy; see "kubectl explain
    # service.spec.externalTrafficPolicy".
    externalTrafficPolicy: ""
  # Configuration for TLS (SSL, HTTPS).
    # If true, enable TLS serving.  Enabling TLS is incompatible with support for legacy ports (you
    # can't get a generally-trusted certificate for port numbers), and disables support for
    # cleartext communication (cleartext requests will redirect to the secure server, and HSTS
    # headers are set to prevent downgrade attacks).
    # Note that if you are planning on putting the proxy behind an ingress controller, you probably
    # want to configure TLS for the ingress controller, not the proxy.  This is intended for the
    # case where the proxy is exposed directly to the Internet.  (It is possible to have your
    # ingress controller talk to the proxy over TLS, in which case, it's fine to enable TLS here in
    # addition to in the ingress section above.)
    enabled: false
    # The secret containing "tls.key" and "tls.crt" keys that contain PEM-encoded private key and
    # certificate material.  Generate one with "kubectl create secret tls <name> --key=tls.key
    # --cert=tls.cert".  This format is compatible with the secrets produced by cert-manager, and
    # the proxy will pick up new data when cert-manager rotates the certificate.
    secretName: ""
    # If set, generate the secret from values here.  This is intended only for unit tests.
    secret: {}
  # If true, install a Kubernetes job that runs preflight checks from the configured Pachyderm
  # release.
  enabled: false

  # The version to preflight.  It is totally fine if this is newer than the currently-running pachd
  # version.
    repository: "pachyderm/pachd"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    tag: ""

  # misc k8s settings
  affinity: {}
  annotations: {}
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
  priorityClassName: ""
  podLabels: {}
  nodeSelector: {}
  tolerations: []

  # logging settings
  sqlQueryLogs: false
  disableLogSampling: false
Determined HCVs

Values #

  enabled: false
  # The image registry to be used to pull the Master image.
  # Determined OSS edition uses the determinedai repository in DockerHub.
  imageRegistry: determinedai
  # HPE Machine Learning Development Environment (MLDE), Determined Enterprise Edition, uses the HPE MSC as the image registry
  # Please also set:
  #   - communicated product SKU,
  #   - enterpriseEdition flag to true,
  # and configure the imagePullSecretName to the HPE MSC credentials K8s Secret (e.g. mlde-hpe-registry)
  # To get the HPE MSC credentials go to the website, and along with the information provided with your order
  # create the HPE MSC credentials K8s Secret (e.g. mlde-hpe-registry) using the following command:
  # kubectl create secret docker-registry mlde-hpe-registry  \
  #<SKU> \
  # --docker-username=<HPE MSC user name>  \
  # --docker-password=<HPE MSC MLDE license key> \
  # --docker-email=<HPE MSC user email> \
  # -n <MLDE deployment K8s namespace, if any>

  # Default images used during the deployment
    # PostgreSQL image
    postgreSQL: "postgres:10.14"

    # default Kube Scheduler image
    kubeScheduler: ""

    # Kube Scheduler used when the K8s default scheduler is set to preemption
    # when, defaultScheduler: preemption
    kubeSchedulerPreemption: "determinedai/kube-scheduler:0.17.0"

    # default images for CPU and GPU environments
    cpuImage: "determinedai/environments:py-3.8-pytorch-1.12-tf-2.8-cpu-9d07809"
    gpuImage: "determinedai/environments:cuda-11.3-pytorch-1.12-tf-2.11-gpu-2b7e2a1"

  # Install Determined enterprise edition.
  enterpriseEdition: false

  # Should be configured if using the master image in the Determined enterprise edition
  # or private registry.
  imagePullSecretName: ""

  # Logger Level in master.yaml - Four severity levels: debug, info, warn, error
  logLevel: info
  # Sets in master.yaml the output of Logger in color mode - Values: true (default), false
  logColor: true

  # masterPort configures the port at which the Determined master listens for connections on.
  masterPort: 8080

  # Enables the creation of non-namespaced objects - Default: true
  # Non-namespaced object are cluster-wide resources, such as the PriorityClasses.
  # In multiple installation on a single cluster (using different namespaces),
  # this flag set to false avoids to recreate non-namespaced objects. In some cases (e.g., GitOps w/ArgoCD)
  # creating existing cluster-wide resources could stop/hang automatic deployments.
  # The first installation must run with the createNonNamespacedObjects flag set to true to ensure
  # the non-namespaced objects are created.
  createNonNamespacedObjects: true

  # External ca.crt injection certificate/s secret name
  # Command to create the ca cert secret:
  #     kubectl create secret generic <external ca cert secret name, e.g., ext-ca-cert> --from-file=<ca.crt or ca bundle filename> -n <namespace>
  # externalCaCertSecretName: <external ca cert secret name, e.g., ext-ca-cert>

  # When useNodePortForMaster is set to false (default), a LoadBalancer service is deployed to make
  # the Determined master reachable from outside the cluster. When useNodePortForMaster is set to
  # true, the master will instead be exposed behind a NodePort service. When using a NodePort service
  # users will typically have to configure an Ingress to make the Determined master reachable from
  # outside the cluster. NodePort service is recommended when configuring TLS termination in a
  # load-balancer.
  useNodePortForMaster: false

  # Enable route support for Openshift by setting enabled to true. Configure tls termination (i.e edge) if needed.
  # openshiftRoute:
  # enabled:
  # host:
  # termination:

  # tlsSecret enables TLS encryption for all communication made to the Determined master (TLS
  # termination is performed in the Determined master). This includes communication between the
  # Determined master and the task containers it launches, but does not include communication between
  # the task containers (distributed training). The specified Secret of type tls must already exist in
  # the same namespace in which Determined is being installed.
  # tlsSecret:

  # security:
  # defaultTask sets the user and group that tasks will run as. For convenience, the default Determined
  # environments contain an unprivileged user named det-nobody, which does have a writable HOME
  # directory. The det-nobody user is a suitable default user when using the default Determined
  # environment images and when running containers as root is not desired.
  # defaultTask:
  #   user: det-nobody
  #   uid: 65533
  #   group: det-nobody
  #   gid: 65533
  # authz option (EE-only) sets the authorization mode.
  # authz:
  #   type: rbac

  # oidc (EE-only) enables OpenID Connect Integration, which is only available if enterpriseEdition
  # is true. It allows users to use single sign-on with their organization’s identity provider.
  # clientSecretKey is the key of the secret contained in the secret.
    enabled: false
    provider: ""
    idpRecipientUrl: ""
    idpSsoUrl: ""
    clientId: ""
    clientSecretKey: ""
    clientSecretName: ""
    authenticationClaim: ""
    scimAuthenticationAttribute: ""

  # scim (EE-only) enables System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) integration, which is
  # only available if enterpriseEdition is true. It allows administrators to easily and securely
  # provision users and groups through their standard identity provider (IdP).
  # scim:
  #   enabled: true
  #   auth:
  #     type: basic
  #     username: determined
  #     password: password

  # db sets the configurations for the database.
    # To deploy your own Postgres DB, provide a hostAddress. If hostAddress is provided, Determined
    # will skip deploying a Postgres DB.
    # hostAddress:

    # Required parameters, whether you are using your own DB or a Determined DB.
    name: determined
    user: postgres
    password: postgres
    port: 5432

    # Only used for Determined DB deployment. Configures the size of the PersistentVolumeClaim for the
    # Determined deployed database, as well as the CPU and memory requirements. Should be adjusted for
    # scale.
    storageSize: 30Gi
    cpuRequest: "2"
    memRequest: 8Gi
    #  cpuLimit: 2
    #  memLimit: 8Gi

    # useNodePortForDB configures whether ClusterIP or NodePort service type is used for the
    # Determined deployed DB. By default ClusterIP is used.
    useNodePortForDB: false

    # storageClassName configures the StorageClass used by the PersistentVolumeClaim for the
    # Determined deployed database. This can be left blank if a default storage class is specified in
    # the cluster. If dynamic provisioning of PersistentVolumes is disabled, users must manually
    # create a PersistentVolume that will match the PersistentVolumeClaim.
    # storageClassName:

    # ssl_mode and ssl_root_cert configure the TLS connection to the database. Users must first
    # create a kubernetes secret or configMap containing their certificate and specify its name in
    # certResourceName. For sslRootCert, specify the name of the file only (not path).
    # sslMode: verify-ca
    # sslRootCert: <cert_name>
    # resourceType: <secret/configMap>
    # certResourceName: <secret/configMap name>

  # checkpointStorage controls where checkpoints are stored. Supported types include `shared_fs`,
  # `gcs`, and `s3`.
    # Applicable to all checkpointStorage types.
    saveExperimentBest: 0
    saveTrialBest: 1
    saveTrialLatest: 1

    # Comment out if not using `shared_fs`. Users are strongly discouraged from using `shared_fs` for
    # storage beyond initial testing as most Kubernetes cluster nodes do not have a shared file
    # system.
    type: shared_fs
    hostPath: /checkpoints

    # For storing in GCS.
    # type: gcs
    # bucket: <bucket_name>
    # prefix: <prefix>

    # For storing in S3.
    # type: s3
    # bucket: <bucket_name>
    # accessKey: <access_key>
    # secretKey: <secret_key>
    # endpointUrl: <endpoint_url>
    # prefix: <prefix>

    # For storing in Azure Blob Storage with a connection string.
    # Do NOT use if already using Azure Blob Storage with account URL
    # type: azure
    # container: <container_name>
    # connection_string: <connection_string>

    # For storing in Azure Blob Storage with an account URL.
    # Do NOT use if already using Azure Blob Storage with connection string.
    # The `credential` field is optional.
    # type: azure
    # container: <container_name>
    # account_url: <account_url>
    # credential: <credential>

  # This is the number of GPUs there are per machine. Determined uses this information when scheduling
  # multi-GPU tasks. Each multi-GPU (distributed training) task will be scheduled as a set of
  # `slotsPerTask / maxSlotsPerPod` separate pods, with each pod assigned up to `maxSlotsPerPod` GPUs.
  # Distributed tasks with sizes that are not divisible by `maxSlotsPerPod` are never scheduled. If
  # you have a cluster of different size nodes (e.g., 4 and 8 GPUs per node), set `maxSlotsPerPod` to
  # the greatest common divisor of all the sizes (4, in that case).
  # maxSlotsPerPod:

  ## For CPU-only clusters, use `slotType: cpu`, and make sure to set `slotResourceRequest` below.
  # slotType: cpu
  # slotResourceRequests:
  ## Number of cpu units requested for compute slots. Note: since kubernetes may schedule some
  ## system tasks on the nodes which take up some resources, 8-core node may not always fit
  ## a `cpu: 8` task container.
  # cpu: 7

  # Memory and CPU requirements for the master instance. Should be adjusted for scale.
  masterCpuRequest: "2"
  masterMemRequest: 8Gi
  # masterCpuLimit: "2"
  # masterMemLimit: 8Gi

  ## Configure the task container defaults. Tasks include trials, commands, TensorBoards, notebooks,
  ## and shells. For all task containers, shm_size_bytes and network_mode are configurable. For
  ## trials, the network interface used by distributed (multi-machine) training is configurable.
    # networkMode: bridge
    # dtrainNetworkInterface: "<network interface name>"
    forcePullImage: false

    # Configure a default pod spec for all GPU tasks (experiments, notebooks, commands) and CPU tasks
    # (CPU notebooks, TensorBoards, zero-slot commands). If a pod spec is defined for an individual
    # task, that pod spec will replace the default one that is defined here. See
    # for more details.
    # cpuPodSpec:
    # gpuPodSpec:

    # Configure default Docker images for all GPU tasks (experiments, notebooks, commands) and
    # CPU tasks (CPU notebooks, TensorBoards, zero-slot commands). If a Docker image is defined
    # for an individual task, that image will replace the default one that is defined here.
    # If specifying a default image, both GPU and CPU default images must be defined.
    # cpuImage:
    # gpuImage:

  ## Configure whether we collect anonymous information about the usage of Determined.
    enabled: true

  ## Configure Prometheus endpoints for monitoring.
  # observability:
  #   enable_prometheus: true

  ## A user-friendly name to identify this cluster by.
  # clusterName: Dev

  ## Specifies the duration in seconds before idle
  ## TensorBoard instances are automatically terminated.
  ## A TensorBoard instance is considered to be idle if
  ## it does not receive any HTTP traffic. The default timeout is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  # tensorboardTimeout: 300

  ## Specifies the duration in seconds before idle notebook instances are automatically terminated.
  ## This behavior is disabled by default.
  # notebookTimeout: 1800

  # defaultPassword sets the password for the admin and determined user accounts.
  # defaultPassword:

  ## Configure how trial logs are stored.
  # logging:
  ## The backend to use. Can be `default` to send logs to the master to store in the PostgreSQL
  ## database or `elastic` to store logs in an Elasticsearch cluster (without going through the
  ## master).
  # type: default

  ## The remaining options should be provided only for the `elastic` backend.

  ## The host and port to use to connect to the Elasticsearch cluster.
  # host: <host>
  # port: <port>

  ## Authentication and TLS options for making the connection to Elasticsearch.
  # security:
  # username: <username>
  # password: <password>
  # tls:
  # enabled: true
  # skipVerify: false

  ## The name to use when verifying the certificate, if different from the name used to connect.
  # certificateName: <name>

  ## This value must contain the contents of the certificate file, not a path. It may be set
  ## directly or using `helm install --set-file<path>`.
  # certificate: <certificate contents>

  ## Configure the default Determined scheduler
  ## Currently supports "coscheduler" for gang scheduling and "preemption" for priority based
  ## scheduling with preemption
  # defaultScheduler: preemption

  ## Configure the resource pools in the Determined cluster.
    - pool_name: default
  # defaultAuxResourcePool: default
  # defaultComputeResourcePool: default

  # enabled controls whether the console manifests are created or not.
  enabled: true
  annotations: {}
    # repository is the image repo to pull from; together with tag it
    # replicates the --console-image & --registry arguments to pachctl
    # deploy.
    repository: "pachyderm/haberdashery"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    # tag is the image repo to pull from; together with repository it
    # replicates the --console-image argument to pachctl deploy.
    # defaults to .Chart.AppVersion
    tag: ""
  priorityClassName: ""
  nodeSelector: {}
  tolerations: []
  # podLabels specifies labels to add to the console pod.
  podLabels: {}
  # resources specifies the resource request and limits.
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    reactAppRuntimeIssuerURI: "" # Inferred if running locally or using ingress
    oauthRedirectURI: "" # Infered if running locally or using ingress
    oauthClientID: "console"
    oauthClientSecret: "" # Autogenerated on install if blank
    # oauthClientSecretSecretName is used to set the OAuth Client Secret via an existing k8s secret.
    # The value is pulled from the key, "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET".
    oauthClientSecretSecretName: ""
    graphqlPort: 4000
    pachdAddress: "pachd-peer:30653"
    disableTelemetry: false # Disables analytics and error data collection

    annotations: {}
    # labels specifies labels to add to the console service.
    labels: {}
    # type specifies the Kubernetes type of the console service.
    type: ClusterIP

Helm Series

Deploy Target HCVs
Global HCVs
Console HCVs
Enterprise Server HCVs
Ingress HCVs
Loki HCVs
PachD HCVs
PachW HCVs
Kube Event Tail HCVs
PGBouncer HCVs
PostgreSQL Subchart HCVs
CloudSQL Auth Proxy HCVs
OpenID Connect HCVs
Test Connection HCVs
Proxy HCVs
Determined HCVs