Archived Pachyderm Docs
Key Features
Target Audience
Basic Concepts
Intro to Data Versioning
Intro to Pipelines
Get Started
Local Getting Started Guides
Docker Desktop
Cloud Getting Started Guides
AWS Deployment
Azure Deployment
GCP Deployment
Install PachCTL Auto-completion
Beginner Tutorial
Advanced Concepts
Deferred Processing
Distributed Computing
Global Identifier
Pipeline Concepts
Cross & Union Inputs
Datum Processing
Datum Processing States
Glob Pattern
Group Input
Join Input
Cron Pipeline
Versioned Data Concepts
How Tos
Advanced Data Operations
Analyze Time-Windowed Data
Manage Secrets
Mount a Volume in a Pipeline
Skip Failed Datums
Basic Data Operations
Export Data
Egress To An SQL Database
Export via Egress
Export via PachCTL
Mount a Repo Locally
Ingest Data
Manage Commits & Delete Data
SQL Ingest
Console Guide
View Project
View List
View Pipelines
View Jobs
View Outputs
View Inputs
Debugging Operations
View Audit Logs
View Kubernetes Logs
Developer Workflow
CI/CD Integration
Create a Machine Learning Workflow
The Push Images Flag
Working with Pipelines
JupyterLab Mount Extension
Docker Installation Guide
Local Installation Guide
User Guide
Pipeline Operations
Create a Pipeline
Delete a Pipeline
Jsonnet Pipeline Specifications
Update a Pipeline
Project Operations
Create a Project
Set a Project as Current
Add a Project Resource
Grant Project Access
Delete a Project
S3 Gateway Operations
Create S3 Bucket
Delete an S3 Object
Delete Empty S3 Bucket
Get an S3 Object
List S3 Buckets
List S3 Objects
Write an S3 Object
Deploy & Manage
AWS Deployment
Configure Environment Variables
Configure Tracing with Jaeger
Cloud Deployment
Local Deployment
Deploy with TSL (SSL, HTTPS)
Enable Logs Aggregation With Loki
Google Cloud Platform
Helm Deployment
Import a Kubernetes Context
Infrastructure Recommendations
Setup Ingress with Traefik
Monitor with Prometheus
Job Metrics
Pachd Metrics
Non-Default Namespaces
On Premises
Production Recommendations
Set Up AWS Secret Manager
Upgrade to Embedded Proxy
Backup & Restore Your Cluster
Disable Usage Metrics
Manage Cluster Access
S3 Gateway
Unsupported Operations
Sidecar S3 Gateway
Storage Use Optimization
Use GPUs
Using the PachCTL Shell
Pachctl auth)
Pachctl auth activate)
Pachctl auth check)
Pachctl auth check project)
Pachctl auth check repo)
Pachctl auth deactivate)
Pachctl auth get config)
Pachctl auth get groups)
Pachctl auth get robot token)
Pachctl auth get)
Pachctl auth get cluster)
Pachctl auth get enterprise)
Pachctl auth get project)
Pachctl auth get repo)
Pachctl auth login)
Pachctl auth logout)
Pachctl auth revoke)
Pachctl auth roles for permission)
Pachctl auth rotate root token)
Pachctl auth set config)
Pachctl auth set)
Pachctl auth set cluster)
Pachctl auth set enterprise)
Pachctl auth set project)
Pachctl auth set repo)
Pachctl auth use auth token)
Pachctl auth whoami)
Pachctl buildinfo)
Pachctl completion)
Pachctl completion bash)
Pachctl completion zsh)
Pachctl config)
Pachctl config delete)
Pachctl config delete context)
Pachctl config get)
Pachctl config get active context)
Pachctl config get active enterprise context)
Pachctl config get context)
Pachctl config get metrics)
Pachctl config import kube)
Pachctl config list)
Pachctl config list context)
Pachctl config set)
Pachctl config set active context)
Pachctl config set active enterprise context)
Pachctl config set context)
Pachctl config set metrics)
Pachctl config update)
Pachctl config update context)
Pachctl connect)
Pachctl copy)
Pachctl copy file)
Pachctl create)
Pachctl create branch)
Pachctl create pipeline)
Pachctl create project)
Pachctl create repo)
Pachctl create secret)
Pachctl debug)
Pachctl debug analyze)
Pachctl debug binary)
Pachctl debug dump)
Pachctl debug profile)
Pachctl delete)
Pachctl delete all)
Pachctl delete branch)
Pachctl delete commit)
Pachctl delete file)
Pachctl delete job)
Pachctl delete pipeline)
Pachctl delete project)
Pachctl delete repo)
Pachctl delete secret)
Pachctl delete transaction)
Pachctl diff)
Pachctl diff file)
Pachctl draw)
Pachctl draw pipeline)
Pachctl edit)
Pachctl edit pipeline)
Pachctl enterprise)
Pachctl enterprise deactivate)
Pachctl enterprise get state)
Pachctl enterprise heartbeat)
Pachctl enterprise pause status)
Pachctl enterprise pause)
Pachctl enterprise register)
Pachctl enterprise sync contexts)
Pachctl enterprise unpause)
Pachctl exit)
Pachctl finish)
Pachctl finish commit)
Pachctl finish transaction)
Pachctl fsck)
Pachctl get)
Pachctl get file)
Pachctl glob)
Pachctl glob file)
Pachctl idp)
Pachctl idp create client)
Pachctl idp create connector)
Pachctl idp delete client)
Pachctl idp delete connector)
Pachctl idp get client)
Pachctl idp get config)
Pachctl idp get connector)
Pachctl idp list client)
Pachctl idp list connector)
Pachctl idp set config)
Pachctl idp update client)
Pachctl idp update connector)
Pachctl inspect)
Pachctl inspect branch)
Pachctl inspect cluster)
Pachctl inspect commit)
Pachctl inspect datum)
Pachctl inspect file)
Pachctl inspect job)
Pachctl inspect pipeline)
Pachctl inspect project)
Pachctl inspect repo)
Pachctl inspect secret)
Pachctl inspect transaction)
Pachctl kube events)
Pachctl license)
Pachctl license activate)
Pachctl license add cluster)
Pachctl license delete all)
Pachctl license delete cluster)
Pachctl license get state)
Pachctl license list clusters)
Pachctl license update cluster)
Pachctl list)
Pachctl list branch)
Pachctl list commit)
Pachctl list datum)
Pachctl list file)
Pachctl list job)
Pachctl list pipeline)
Pachctl list project)
Pachctl list repo)
Pachctl list secret)
Pachctl list transaction)
Pachctl logs)
Pachctl mount)
Pachctl port forward)
Pachctl put)
Pachctl put file)
Pachctl restart)
Pachctl restart datum)
Pachctl resume)
Pachctl resume transaction)
Pachctl run)
Pachctl run cron)
Pachctl run pfs load test)
Pachctl run pps load test)
Pachctl shell)
Pachctl squash)
Pachctl squash commit)
Pachctl start)
Pachctl start commit)
Pachctl start pipeline)
Pachctl start transaction)
Pachctl stop)
Pachctl stop job)
Pachctl stop pipeline)
Pachctl stop transaction)
Pachctl subscribe)
Pachctl subscribe commit)
Pachctl unmount)
Pachctl update)
Pachctl update pipeline)
Pachctl update project)
Pachctl update repo)
Pachctl version)
Pachctl wait)
Pachctl wait commit)
Pachctl wait job)
Configuration Specification
Helm Chart Values (HCVs)
Deploy Target HCVs
Global HCVs
Console HCVs
Enterprise Server HCVs
Ingress HCVs
Loki HCVs
PachD HCVs
PachW HCVs
Kube Event Tail HCVs
PGBouncer HCVs
PostgreSQL Subchart HCVs
CloudSQL Auth Proxy HCVs
OpenID Connect HCVs
Test Connection HCVs
Proxy HCVs
Language Clients
Pipeline Scaling Limits (CE)
Pipeline Specification (PPS)
Autoscaling PPS
Datum Set Spec PPS
Datum Timeout PPS
Datum Tries PPS
Description PPS
Egress PPS
Input Cron PPS
Input Cross PPS
Input Group PPS
Input Join PPS
Input Union PPS
Job Timeout PPS
Metadata PPS
Output Branch PPS
Parallelism Spec PPS
Pod Patch PPS
Pod Spec PPS
Reprocess Spec PPS
Resource Limits PPS
Resource Requests PPS
s3 Out PPS
Scheduling Spec PPS
Service PPS
Sidecar Resource Limits PPS
Spec Commit PPS
Spout PPS
Transform PPS
S3 Gateway API
Supported Releases & Features
Enterprise Edition
Activate Enterprise via Helm
Activate Enterprise via PachCTL
Authentication & Authorization
Activate Authorization
Set Up IdP Connectors
Log In via IdP
Check IdP User
Revoke User Access
Deactivate Authorization
Add Roles to User
Add Roles to Group
Enterprise Server (ES)
Activate ES for Multi-Cluster
Activate ES for Single-Cluster
Register a Cluster via Helm
Register a Cluster via PachCTL
Server Management
Server Setup
Features Overview
Troubleshooting Guides
General Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Deployments
Troubleshooting Pipelines
Coding Conventions
Contributor Setup
Developing on Windows with VSCode
Documentation Style Guide
Version 2.5.x