Datum Statistics #
Pachyderm stores information about each datum that
a pipeline processes, including timing information, size information,
and /pfs
You can view these statistics by running the pachctl inspect datum
command (or its language client equivalents).
In particular, Pachyderm provides the following information for each datum processed by your pipelines:
- The amount of data that was uploaded and downloaded
- The time spend uploading and downloading data
- The total time spend processing
- Success/failure information, including any error encountered for failed datums
- The directory structure of input data that was seen by the job.
Use the pachctl list datum <pipeline>@<job ID>
to retrieve the list of datums processed by a given job, and pick the datum ID you want to inspect. That information can be useful when troubleshooting a failed job.
Meta Repo #
Once a pipeline has finished a job, you can access additional execution metadata about the datums
processed in the associated meta system repo.
Note that all the inspect datum
information above is stored in this meta repo, along with a couple more.
For example, you can find the reason
in meta/<datumID>/meta
: the error message when the datum failed.
See the detail of the meta repo structure below.
A meta repo contains 2 directories:
: Themeta
directory holds datumsโ statistics/pfs
: Thepfs
directory holds the input data of datums, and their resulting output data
pachctl list file edges.meta@master
System response:
/meta/ dir 1.956KiB
/pfs/ dir 371.9KiB
Meta directory #
The meta directory holds each datumโs JSON metadata, and can be accessed using a get file
Example #
pachctl get file edges.meta@master:/meta/002f991aa9db9f0c44a92a30dff8ab22e788f86cc851bec80d5a74e05ad12868/meta | jq
System response:
"job": {
"pipeline": {
"name": "edges"
"id": "efca9595bdde4c0ba46a444a5877fdfe"
"inputs": [
"fileInfo": {
"hash": "28e6675faba53383ac84b899d853bb0781c6b13a90686758ce5b3644af28cb62f763",
"stats": {
"downloadTime": "0.103591200s",
"processTime": "0.374824700s",
"uploadTime": "0.001807800s",
"downloadBytes": "80588",
"uploadBytes": "38046"
"index": "1"
Usepachctl list file edges.meta@master:/meta/
to list the files in the meta directory.
Pfs Directory #
The pfs directory has both the input files of datums, and the resulting output files that were committed to the output repo:
Example #
pachctl list file montage.meta@master:/pfs/47be06d9e614700397d8d56272a1a5e039df82bf931e8e3c9d34bccbfbc8b349/
System response:
/pfs/47be06d9e614700397d8d56272a1a5e039df82bf931e8e3c9d34bccbfbc8b349/edges/ dir 133.6KiB
/pfs/47be06d9e614700397d8d56272a1a5e039df82bf931e8e3c9d34bccbfbc8b349/images/ dir 238.3KiB
/pfs/47be06d9e614700397d8d56272a1a5e039df82bf931e8e3c9d34bccbfbc8b349/out/ dir 1.292MiB
Use pachctl list file montage.meta@master:/pfs/
to list the files in the pfs directory.